Limitation of Different Methods
This page is shows some work could be enhance in the future. Most of the future enhancement work here is mostly to simplified or automate the generation workflow.
Dynamic Patch Division
(Time-consuming work)
The area of unmatched streamlines need to segment manually.
Need to re-sketch the user-guided strokes of the each keyframes.
(Future Enhancement)
Automatically the unmatchesd streamlines segment part. *This part is bit hard to implement.
Automatically the strokes sketching by reference the flows of adjacent streamlines.
Streamlines Sliding
(Some work can be implement in the future)
Improve the tracing the input data by sampling the contour point flows, and auto calculate the streamlines sliding position difference.
Auto lengthen and duplicate the extra streamlines in the frame to fullfill the empty spaced.
Feed-Forward Algorithms
(Some work can be implement in the future)
Automatically find the corresponding the next frame instead of manually doing it.
Automatically the placing additional streamlines part.
Last updated
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