Line Art Data Format
You need to manually set-up the initial data format before start generate the streamlines
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You need to manually set-up the initial data format before start generate the streamlines
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Folder : "_tensor_"
<Imgname>_00*.png ( The image frame want to set as keyframe )
Folder : "img" [Input of Segmentation Frame Image]
Naming Format:<Imgname>_00*.png
Folder : "contour_img" [Input of Contour Frame Image]
Naming Format:contour_<Imgname>_00*.png
For the single image simulation, you can use this windows bat program to quickly duplicate the static single frame input. (Inside Streamlines Corresponding Folder)
You can use the python code to quickly generate PatchInfo.txt and SepInfo.txt
Put The Image Patch Inside the folder TextImage
Change the input patch_path filename in the main code
Run the program
Use Mouse Left Click to select the Patch order (click the image patch color)
Press 'q' to exit -> system will auto generate the PatchInfo and SepInfo Information.
After Segment and Render Streamlines on each patch, system will auto generate the following files
_data_ : The Generated Tensor Data
Frame info : .obj .seg .txt .xml